AFAA Grants Committee
Chair: Jim Bennett
jbennett104@sbcglobal.netThe AFAA Grants Committee is responsible for oversight of the AFAA Grant program including reviewing grant applications, approving paperwork, and similar tasks.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
Archive Committee
Chair: Denia Barrett
The Archive Committee is responsible for the oversight of historical organizational documents.
Seeking Committee Members: Not at this time
Awards Committee
Chairs: Laurie Orgel
The Awards Committee is responsible for collecting nominations and selecting the Award of Excellence winners each year and for the presentation at the Annual Meeting.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
CATS (Child and Adolescent Traveling Scholar) Committee
Chair: open
The CATS Committee is responsible for the selection of the annual Traveling Scholar.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes. Contact ACP President, Sydney Anderson
Communications Committee
Chair: Rick Hall
The Communications Committee is responsible for oversight of the websites, newsletter, and the listserv.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
Councilors Project Committee
Chair: open
The Councilors Project Committee is responsible for connecting with APsA institutes to promote ACP and support child analysts.
Seeking Committee Members: Not at this time
Extension Committee
Chair: Susan Baxt
maclarensb@gmail.comThe Extension Committee is responsible for creating the Extension program for the Annual Meeting and for promotion of same.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
International Inter-Organizational Committee
Chair: Tim Rice
The International Inter-Organizational Committee is responsible for creating connections with other organizations and promoting ACP including IPA and promoting ACP with international organizations.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
Membership Committee
Chairs: Laurie Levinson
Chaired by the Board Secretary and Secretary-Elect, the Membership Committee is responsible for oversight and reporting of membership dues and renewals.
Seeking Committee Members: Not at this time
Nominations Committee
Chair: Kirstin Butterfield & Susan Sherkow and
The Nominations Committee is responsible for recruiting nominees for the Executive Committee.
Seeking Committee Members: Yes
Program Committee
Chairs: Andrea Weiss and Adam Libow and
The Program Committee is responsible for creating the majority of the Annual Meeting programming.
Seeking Committee Members: Not at this time.
Schools Initiative Committee
Chair: Barbara Streeter
New committee that is forming in 2024.
Seeking Committee Members: